Friends Will Always be There for You!

Friends is one of the most beloved sitcoms of all time. Even though it premiered over 25 years ago, it continues to be insanely popular. You would think that shows from the 90’s would have died down by now but that’s not the case for Friends. Instead of giving a basic review of the show, I’ve decided to discuss why the show is still so popular to this day.

The show is about a group of six friends living in New York City. It presents an ideal life for 20-somethings. The show was a huge inspiration for people in the 90’s and still is today! Everyone would get the “Rachel” haircut and now girls use the show for vintage fashion inspiration. Friends is one of those shows that could make you laugh one minute, and then make you cry the next.  All the characters face challenges throughout the show but they are all presented in a lighthearted way. Their storyline develops over time and you can’t help but root for Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Chandler, Ross and Joey.  Everyone can relate to at least one of the characters! For me, I definitely relate to Monica because we share many similar personality traits:  (obsessive, overbearing, overthinker, level headed, and practical).  It’s cool to see relationships like Ross and Rachel progress throughout the show too. Their on/off relationship is a major storyline and adds tons of humor for sure. The six friends are still some of the most popular television characters to this day. The lightheartedness and youth mentality of the show makes it a good show for all ages to watch. It doesn’t matter if you are 14 or 60, you can relate to the show in some way. The show never gets old and guarantees to laugh every episode. Avid Friends watcher, Maddie Trautner said “Friends is a timeless, relatable, and funny show. No wonder why it’s still so popular today!”.

Most people can recite a quote from Friends which is yet another reason why it is so popular to this day. Some of my favorites include “PIVOT!”, “How you doin?’”, “OH MY GOD”, and so many more. People never forget the funny lines and use the quotes in their everyday lives. Unlike other shows, you can start watching at any episode and it will still make sense. You might find a random episode of it on tv and instantly know what’s happening. In total there are ten seasons of Friends so there are 236 episodes waiting for you when you need a good escape.

Friends was the most binged show during its run on Netflix which demonstrates just how many viewers are in the Friends gang.  Friends was taken off Netflix in January of 2020 which aggravated fans. The show moved over to HBO, so it’s not completely gone.  Reruns of the show are on tv constantly which is a major plus especially during this quarantine! A Friends reunion is in the works which has fans super excited. The show has the ability to bring people together and embrace humanity. It can make anyone smile within a few minutes. Whenever I need a laugh, I always watch an episode to cheer me up! It’s obvious why the show is still popular today! The humor and relatability make it a blockbuster hit. Just remember during times like this, Friends will “be there for you!”