How Foods Affect Our Moods

“You are what you eat.” Though this is a cliche, there are certain aspects of it that are true. The food that we put into our body has a bigger effect on us than just our weight or “healthiness” of our body. Food has a big affect on our mood. The human brain only makes up 2% of our body weight, it uses up to 20% of our body’s resources; so it’s important to be aware of what we are putting into our bodies.

Fats, proteins, amino acids, glucose and micronutrients all have a distinct impact on the development, energy, mood and function of your brain. Out of all of the fats of our brain, the “superstars” are omega-3 & omega-6. These essential fatty acids are linked to the prevention of degenerative brain conditions and they must come from our diets. These omegas can be found in nuts, seeds and fatty fish (good fats) However, overconsumption of “bad fats” like saturated and trans fats, can lead to negative health effects. Meanwhile, amino acids and proteins are the building blocks to the development of our moods/behavior. The complex combination of compounds in food can stimulate brain cells. So, a diet with a range of foods helps to prevent your mood from skewing too far to one end of the spectrum. Antioxidants in fruits and veggies strengthen the brain to fight off free radicals, enabling the brain to work well for a longer period of time. One of the most common food groups that people ditch while trying to eat healthy is carbs. However, rather than ditching them completely, you only need to choose the “smart” ones. The connection between mood shifts and carbs is all about tryptophan, a nonessential amino acid. As more tryptophan enters the brain, more serotonin is synthesized in the brain, which tends to have a positive shift in one’s mood. When a person attempts a low-carbohydrate diet (known as “ketogenic diet”), studies from Arizona State University show that it will enhance fatigue and will lose the desire to workout. All in all, completely cutting certain foods from our diet leads to shifts in our mood that we may not realize. Rather than cutting, everything is better consumed in moderation; and no one should make an abrupt shift in your diet.