Equalizing the Pay of Teacher to The Efforts They Give

According to the Center of American Progress, since 2010 enrollment in teacher programs nationwide has declined more than one-third, and Pennsylvania experienced a decline of one-half. Inadequate teacher wages are a major factor. The National Educator Association found that a 1.7 percent salary increase in 2021-2022, actually resulted in a 3.9 percent salary decrease because of inflation.

In the US, the average teacher’s salary is 65,090 dollars, with Pennridge’s average salary being 59,132 dollars. Lately, teachers are burdened with increased responsibilities within their profession but lack an increase in salary. “Besides teachers, we are often asked to take on the role of parent and disciplinarian, while trying to retain the attention of a very distracted generation,” expressed Angi Frederick, a seventh-grade teacher at Pennridge North Middle School. Combining the salaries of psychologists, social workers, and parole officers, which are all roles teachers are asked to fill, nearly quadruples the average teacher salary. Since teachers are asked to fulfill roles beyond the teaching curriculum, they should receive an increase in salary.

However, one cannot dismiss the many positive benefits to the teaching profession, such as a very good retirement plan and health care. It can be argued that these benefits even out the lower salary of teachers to higher paying jobs lacking these benefits. Also, teachers’ wages are actually based on working nine months per year, and should not be compared to the typical 12-month salary. Teachers can typically increase their salaries with graduate education and years of experience. Megan Reim, a high school teacher at Pennridge, believes, “for myself, I am well paid. I have a comfortable living with the salary I am receiving for the nine months I am working.”

But The time it takes for teachers to increase their salaries is extensive. A teacher’s job description does not change. The same tasks are required of a new teacher and one nearing retirement. Pennridge has a 73,636 dollar pay gap between teachers’ starting salaries and maximum salaries for experienced teachers obtaining a master’s degree with 24 additional credits. There should not be such a large gap between teachers, whose roles are consistent throughout their careers. Teachers should have a higher and more consistent salary from the start of their careers. In addition to this, teachers often work beyond when they leave the school building grading and prepping, but rarely receive overtime pay. Teachers are clocked in working 7-8 hours a day but in reality, are working 10-12 hours a day. Angi Frederick spends many hours “grading and prepping throughout the whole year, without receiving the extra pay for the time I put in.”

Teachers not only need but deserve higher pay. There should be a spotlight put on what is being asked of teachers and the high pay gap between teachers. Bringing well-deserved attention to this issue helps teachers feel they are being heard, and will hopefully initiate a push to increase teacher salaries and attract quality people to the profession.







