Mental Health Days Are Just as Crucial as Regular Sick Days!
February 6, 2020
Mental Health is often horribly overlooked by schools who always expect to see a doctor’s note if you are absent, or physical proof that you were sick or injured. Sometimes students just need a break for their brains, and so they take a mental health day.
Depression is treated by society like it is the person’s fault that they are sad and that it is so easy to be happy. We often give our mental health less respect than we would our physical health which is extremely damaging to the brain. According to the National Alliance on Mental Health, one in five Americans deal with a mental illness every year, yet there is not much discussion on this and those who are ill continue to push themselves, day after day. Constant stress can damage your brain, yet some still think that mental illness is fake and that mental health days are unnecessary. One may also say that that is what weekends are for. This can cause more pressure and stress for students because they have to wait for there to be days of rest rather than just taking off if they need a day to relax. Sometimes students could be reluctant of taking a mental health day in fear of missing too much work, but there should be ample time to make up the work during classes.
Mental health should always come first because if you are not mentally healthy, then you cannot do your best in school or at work. Schools should care about students’ mental health and allow them to take mental health days so that they can focus better and not feel the constant stress that school brings. If students do not have mental health days, more damage is done than good.