How to Identify a Cult
In the world we live in there are lots of different belief systems and groups, some of these lead to a very dangerous reality. We have all heard of cults whether it was on TV, or hearing of Jonestown there are many movements in our world. People tend to believe that they are not susceptible to falling into the clutches of a cult group, yet every year more people are deceived.
It is expected that there are more than 10,000 cults in the United States today, but many are underground and undetected. Cults are usually led by an enthusiastic leader who may even claim to have certain powers or have reached a certain point of enlightenment. That leader is a lot of times surrounded by a very tight, small group, who will follow their leader no matter what they do. This is where we get the idea that comes on TV shows of people bowing down to a picture of some ordinary but enticing person. Another identifying factor could be that a group will start by telling you certain things about what they believe, but as you become more involved for a longer amount of time what you learn becomes more intense and they use forms of brainwashing to manipulate members.
Exploitation is another common theme that is witnessed throughout cults. This can come in many forms a lot of times financially and they demand high payment, but it can also be psychologically, emotionally, and even sexually. One of the last main red flags is how they view the outside world. Many groups make everything else seem as if it is wrong and evil. They will demand that you cut off outside relationships, or make it seem like terrible things will occur if you leave.
It is best to stay alert and informed, many times if you have a strong trustworthy community it is harder for you to fall into these traps, or if you do you have people to pull out. They try to target people who are feeling lonely or who are in transition periods. These people are easier to manipulate and more open to new ideas. Being aware for both yourself and your loved ones is smart so that you don’t see anyone leave and join a dangerous cult.
Grade 12
Interests/ Hobbies: Mini-THON, Water-polo, Swim team, NOVA
Goals: Attend Liberty University in August, studying secondary education