Worldwide Ocean Pollution

After seeing the video about the turtle with the straw stuck in his nose, I try to be more cautious about what plastic I am using

The pollution of the ocean day by day is astronomical. With the amounts of harmful products and liquids placed in the waters, the damages are beyond belief. Not only is it hurting the sea creatures, but the economy all around as well. It is an alarming rate of a cycle that keeps spinning. When one thing is taken away everything following falls apart right afterwards. There are many factors involving the pollution of the ocean including trash and oil spills.
Marine life has been forced to live in trash filled waters. Due to the lack of care this world has come to, the ocean has been everyone’s personal trashcan over the years. Plastics have been one of the major issues that the ocean creatures have encountered. What the human population needs to be more aware about is the fact that marine life is struggling because of careless actions. Many sea creatures come across garbage that floats where they live and either intake the debris, can suffocate, and or can be tangled up. One in every three marine species get found entangled in litter. Many sea creatures, such as turtles and seals, find themselves caught in plastic six pack rings used for holding soda cans together

Megan Lokuta stated her concerns on the actions of polluting the ocean. Not only are ocean animals affected, but birds as well. Birds have been getting tangled up in wiry string, old fishing nets, and plastic as well as all these other animals.
In 1859, was when ocean oil spills began. Over the years the industry grew into something that has gotten out of hand. While workers pollute the ocean every day, the lives of the sea life are never taken into consideration. At least four species of ocean life have been killed off due to oil spills. More than 100,000 marine mammals have been harmed and/or killed in the oil spilling process every year. While these ocean mammals continue to swim in the waters that are being contaminated, people need to understand they have nowhere else to turn to. So, they are forced to take in what is put into the waters that they call their homes. Dolphins, for instance, have been found to have disease from inhalation from the oils floating around. They have no choice but to inhale the oils and contaminants in the waters in which they live, causing much harm and many negative effects to the bodies of sea life.

Trained professors are sent out into the waters to gather animals that need the most help surviving. Crew members studying sea life have been on the waters daily looking out for sea life that have been entangled or physically stuck in tar like substances in waters. These crews go through a seven-step rescue and treatment process. First is the actual action of searching and gathering the animals they may come across to save. Following that, the animals are given a full physical examination and then are fed and given water to get them back up and going. Which heads right into the cleaning process where they are placed in pools to get cleaned. Animals that have been struck in tar are hand scrubbed with toothbrushes very gently in order to be freed.
In order to prevent pollution, some have begun taking precautions. For instance, “I try to use my own reusable straws instead of the plastic straws,” says Megan Lokuta. This is a great way to help out the ocean life by using reusable items that are used daily. It is important to be aware of recycling and what type of plastics are being used.
Anna Bartron is in 12th grade. She enjoys playing the acoustic guitar and loves the outdoors, along with hiking. Always up for adventures with friends...