Activities to do with Friends for Summer 2021
After being cooped up for so long, everyone is excited for warm weather, summer, no school, and vacation. The issue I have always come across is, what should I do with friends once the initial summer fun goes away? Thankfully, I have gathered activities to do with friends along with the pros and cons of each.

First off, we have a normal beach day with friends. This is common for many teens. I have done this a couple of times this past summer and I really enjoyed it. A beach day is great for an escape from work and normal chores. Lauren Mauer quoted, “living at the beach, having no worries about school, and having a good job at the beach.” would be her ideal perfect summer. The pros of a beach day with friends would be the freedom from parents, a get-away from home, and there is plenty of excitement during the day. The cons would be that there needs to be a plan ahead of time such as the date, how much money to bring, times, and all the small details. Overall, I would rate the beach 5/5 stars.

Next up, you can plan a camping trip. I have done this once last summer, and probably one of the most fun nights I had that summer. When my friends and I went we camped at a local campground we only stayed for one night, since it was our first time camping alone, this was our trial test. This year we are actually planning another trip but for a longer stay. Camping is a great and affordable way to bond and connect with your friends. The pros of camping are the cheap price and a different experience. The only downside of my experience was that we ran out of food, and it was only one night. If you go camping, I advise you to bring plenty of food and trash bags and possibly be prepared for wildlife to meander to the campsite. I would rank this a 5/5 stars.

Another classic activity for friend groups is hiking. This is ultimately one of the cheapest things to do, other than driving and using gasoline. For safety reasons, I advise having three or more people be in the group. The excitement of the day depends on the trail and who you are with. Throughout the Summer of 2020, I hiked a lot with friends. After a while, the trails start to all look alike and can get boring. Hiking is great for your health; it is a great way to free your mind and enjoy the peacefulness of nature. I would rate this 3.5/5 stars. Allison Gorton says that “Going hiking, relaxing by the pool, being outside in general, and taking walks” are her favorite activities to do in summer. This activity is very popular for my friend group due to the ability to go and do this during the pandemic.
Summer is the time to spend with friends and have fun. Despite Corona Virus shutting everything down, last summer may have been the most enjoyable summer I had.
Amanda Gravatt is a senior who ran cross country, enjoys traveling, and hanging out with friends. Amanda's goals are to travel to as many places as possible,...