Philosophy of Edwards

Mr. Edwards teaching class while sipping from his matching water bottle.
If you want a diverse learning style and environment, Jonathan Edwards is the right teacher for you. Grade 11 World Literature Academic or Honors can be a challenging course for many kids, but Edwards greatly helps your learning experience. A relatable, funny, expressive teacher who will celebrate you getting a correct answer to one of his questions are many traits that Edwards possesses.
While many teach by giving PowerPoints with notes, have their kids read the books and take notes in their spare time, and give essays and quizzes after each chapter, Edwards sees a different style of teaching. Engaging with the students on a constant basis to have discussions or even talk about their life is only a small part of Edward’s philosophy of teaching. Having PowerPoints with funny pictures, examples, and interpretations of what they are learning helps many kids understand intricate lessons, units, or readings. To get the students more engaged and involved, he uses polls to get a class majority of specific topics to see where everyone’s head is at, either being about certain topics or just to be relatable with the kids.
One way he can be very relatable with the kids is shown with one of his students, Natalie Smalley, who both own a tumbler-brand water bottle that Edwards bought to match her. He also tries to keep up with teenage slang, such as using the phrase “side eye.” Edwards even understands many basic teenage problems, such as boy or girl troubles, hobbies, personal life, and future career hopes that the kids are interested in and out of school.
The classroom’s overall environment and atmosphere are unique and vital to Edwards. Rather than chairs and desks, Edwards believes that kids will learn better in more comfortable surroundings, so he has personal furniture, such as couches and recliners. In reference to his classroom style, Natalie Smalley stated that “his classroom is so much better because of the couches and chairs; he has pillows, and I feel more comfortable than sitting at a normal desk.” Edward’s number one priority is to have the kids feel happy and excited to learn, especially since the books they read in class are dark and sad than fun. Referring to his teaching approach, Edwards lives by the phrase, “the better the relationships, the better they will perform,” which many teachers overlook when teaching their curriculum.
The trait that many of the kids love about Edwards is his humor and character. Many quotes the students remember are usually funny and even come back later to be laughed at again. Some quotes the students bring up are, “my wife goes to another school you wouldn’t know her” or “let’s bring sexy back.” The humor also goes towards the kids, teasing them about either boyfriend or girlfriend troubles they might be having or even joking about their appearance. If the student takes offense to the comments, Edwards will stop immediately to ensure they are fine and not distraught.
Overall, having the opportunity to sit in one of his classes for an hour and being able to see his character from just an hour of spending time with him goes to show how much of a positive influence he has in the classroom and everyone that tries to get to know him.
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