Pennridge High School’s April Showers 2023
Michele Haddon
Dr. Bolton runs through the showers during 2021, showing Pennridge’s support for inclusion and displaying the first of many April Showers.
Pennridge High School students and staff will be hosting their third annual April Showers, which raises funds for the Special Olympics. During the event, which is scheduled for Friday, April 28, students will have the opportunity to pay a small fee to run through a water shower supplied by local fire companies during the school day.
Pennridge is one of 121 schools throughout the country that have been named a National Banner Unified Champion School because it has demonstrated a commitment to inclusion by meeting 10 standards of excellence. April Showers showcases PHS’s inclusivity and respect for all students and staff. According to Ashley Herr, the Special Olympics Pennsylvania (SOPA) Unified Champion School manager for Eastern Pennsylvania, “It gives everyone an equal playing field; it gives students with and without disabilities a chance to come together and play on the same team.” Among the ten standards are having an adult coach for each sport who has received training on Special Olympics Unified Sports; that Unified Sports is officially recognized by the school in a similar style as other athletics/activities; and having a Unified Club or student group that offers leadership opportunities/training for students with and without intellectual disabilities.
After raising $22,000 in 2021 and $18,000 in 2022, Pennridge is aiming for a modest $10,000 this year, although they would be pleased to raise a higher number. The proceeds will benefit more than just Pennridge; the money helps schools all across the state put together unified teams. “All of the money goes to Special Olympics in Pennsylvania. Mainly for bocce and track team-oriented sports because it’s something they could do. The money we make goes to the mentally disabled in other schools so that way they can have the same programs that we offer at our school,” stated PHS senior Parker Wood, a student coordinator of April Showers.
Pennridge High School’s own band, Rock U, will be providing musical entertainment during the fundraiser. “Making sure that everyone is being included is the most important thing. We are going to make sure everyone who is outside, that has signed up, is running through the showers as many times as they would like,” said PHS senior Kylea Hegen, a student coordinator for April Showers. “People can also dress up if they like or wear fun accessories.” Pennridge has been fielding unified teams in track and field and bocce for the past several years. This provides an opportunity for special education students and their peers to collaborate and encourage each other in athletic competitions. “I think being able to be a part of something that is not only bringing together our school and community but all of the schools that are a part of Special Olympics together is really special,” said Hegen.
Hegen says all the hard work that goes into making an event like April Showers successful is worth it because of how good everyone feels. “I love knowing that even if it is just a one-day event, it is something that people will remember and something that allows our whole school and community to acknowledge the reason for inclusion,” said Hegen. Wood agreed that helping to organize April Showers is a great way to close out his high school career. It’s a “rewarding feeling to do something that’s greater than yourself,” he said.
David Ferry, Grade 12. Interests/hobbies include karate, physical fitness, firefighting, and reading. David plans to join the United States Marine Corps...