Children often are found playing on playgrounds, attending school, or hanging out with friends, but what about the children we watch on television? Most children at one point in time dream of being a Hollywood star. They imagine themselves appearing in a main role on television for the world to see. Though for most kids this dream comes and goes with no real effort put into making it come true. So how do kids appear on television? Are they related to celebrities? What is the life of a child actor?
It is uncommon to find a television star in an everyday school. At Pennridge Highschool a few students may appear on your television screen. Senior, Logan Smith, is one of these kids. Logan Smith first appeared in an advertisement on TV for a back and knee brace company. It took time before making it on the screens though. Logan first was introduced to acting through a family friend. At age seven he was filmed in their small production company. This is where they saw potential in Logan and brought up the idea of acting. Being located in Pennsylvania, finding an opportunity to act was not easy. In November 2014, Logan attended his first showcase in New York. Here many agencies and managers would attend to find children with potential. This is where Logan was introduced to his first manager, who would help him and enter him into his first role. Being on the East Coast this idea of acting was much more difficult to fulfill than other hobbies.
Being an actor at a young age, Logan experienced a childhood unlike average children. Logan says his experience was, “Not ordinary,” and, “unique.” He has the opportunity to travel and meet many celebrities. Logan was able to create memories and make his name known. Children who act are found to quickly advance in their communication skills. Playing the part of another person gives people the ability to use emphasis and emotion. Being an actor also can increase a child’s confidence. These child actors mature differently because of their lifestyles.
As an actor, Logan also took harsh criticism. Auditioning for roles constantly meant also facing harsh rejection, which can be hard for a child. As acting can boost children’s confidence it can easily lower their self-esteem due to rejection. Actors are also constantly comparing themselves due to this standard they are expected to fit. Logan’s social life was affected as well. Because of his newly filled schedule and traveling, he was forced to cyber school. Multiple times a week his family would drive from Pennsylvania to New York. Logan had no time to attend regular school hours, affecting his social life and his academic career.
Logan Smith is now in public school again. Logan is a part of extracurricular activities and has a group of friends. As a past child actor, he still is interested in acting but has limited his time to it. A childhood with a career is difficult for some children. For most kids, the first years of their lives are fun and easy. Acting takes time and dedication. It is a hard journey to succeed which is a struggle for some kids, but being an actor is a possibility despite where you live, or who you are related to.