The Curb and its Enemy


Liv Stolarski, Student Writer

Have you ever had something replay in your mind over and over again wishing you could relive and change the situation? Maybe not but I know for sure we have all had embarrassing moments, ones that we remember more than others. During your childhood, everyone is so worried about what other people think and with one wrong move, you feel as if everyone is judging you. I was able to interview my friend Julia Post to share her experiences on this, she was able to share her clumsiness which has caused many embarrassing moments in her life, three of which she remembers vividly. She said that “once you look back at the moments, they can be embarrassing but looking back at it it’s something to laugh about.” Julia has always been into sports where she happened to take most of her falls as these moments have replayed in her head for many years. Julia Post started soccer at the age of 5 and had her most embarrassing moment at age of 10. She had a tournament in Virginia that didn’t go as planned and she had to play with a brace on her knee. Julia was walking out of the bus when she missed a step and fell onto the curb causing a gash in her knee. She received help from four parents and the athletic trainer. She got up, laughed it out, and was able to be the best athlete she could for that weekend. The curb stayed an enemy to Julia as she started her high school career in volleyball. During 11th grade she was at a travel volleyball tournament at Spooky Nook where she fell on the curb once again. This time, she fell in front of a wedding party and a bus full of people during the cold winter. They were walking to check-in and she tripped over her bags as Julia said, “my crocs weren’t in the sport mode.” Not only did she have a whole wedding party laughing at her, she had her clothes spread out on the road after her bags fell out of her hands. Being clumsy followed Julia all the way to the Netherlands where her worst fall happened. She was visiting her Dad’s side of the family and she and her cousin were getting around by bikes when they decided jumping onto the bike while it was in motion would be a good idea. You can already guess the ending didn’t go as planned as they lay in the middle of the road while cars stopped on both sides to stare and make sure they were okay. Her cousin took the brunt of the hit and fell first, then Julia who was riding the bike landed on top of her and her body slid on the asphalt scraping her knees and arms. She definitely has taken many tumbles, but each scar from the falls tells its own embarrassing moment that leaves a smile and a laugh to her and others.