Why You Shouldn’t be Afraid of the Covid-19 Vaccine
The dispute over the Covid-19 vaccines and circulating fear is insignificant in the current climate and need for the scientifically supported FDA emergency approved vaccines. Social media can lead to snowballing of false information and exaggerated results that can skew one’s thoughts. The pros of the Covid-19 vaccines greatly outnumber the cons and could save millions of lives.
The fears of the Covid-19 vaccines lie heavily in the possible side effects and lack of more long-term studying, getting an emergency FDA approval. Though these fears are understandable, the data shows they should be insignificant thoughts. Both vaccines, the Pfizer BioNTech and the Moderna vaccine are mRNA vaccines. According to the CDC, this means that instead of putting weakened germs into the body they teach our cells how to make a protein that triggers an immune response. The immune response will create antibodies and will therefore protect from infection when in contact with Covid-19. This will give protection without risking the serious consequences of contracting Covid-19.
Side effects of the vaccine are minuscule compared to contracting the actual virus. According to Healthline, side effects most commonly last 24 to 48 hours and are mild. These symptoms include a reaction at the injection site, fatigue, headache, and muscle pain. The FDA reported that the rate of serious adverse events is less than 0.5 percent with no significant differences between the two groups (the placebo group and test group). The rumors also spark worry of possibly contracting Bell’s palsy as a side effect. According to Healthline, there were four cases of Bell’s palsy in the vaccine group, however, these cases are consistent with the rate of the general population. There’s no clear evidence to support this link.
Outside of the small side effects, there are other pros to consider with how this could affect our world. With more receiving the vaccine, it can only be a step in the right direction to seeing the old normal. Relatives would no longer pass away suddenly or live in fear and avoid holidays, the economy would improve, people could return to work, and the flow of society could be closer to reform. If you refuse to get the vaccine out of fear there will only be continued Covid-19 struggles, shutdowns, and masks. More importantly, the vaccine could save millions of lives, including yours. Take the next step in America’s history and get vaccinated when you can.
Jennifer Cranford, Grade 12. Her interests/hobbies include Executive Council, NHS, Irish dance, hiking, and kayaking. She will be attending Moravian...