Get Moving: Summer is Right Around the Corner


Do you want to get fit for the summer? Of course, you do! Most people turn to exercise as a hobby and you can too. Summertime is a great way to stay motivated on your journey to get that body you’ve always dreamed of! There are many forms of exercise including running, walking, bike riding, swimming, or lifting weights that you are sure to find something that you enjoy!

Finding ways to make workouts enjoyable and feel less like a chore is the most important part of being active. When asked if she found working out something she enjoys, Emma Pirollo responded with “Yes I enjoy being active and working out! I am constantly active every day and am always outside.” With summer approaching most people to enjoy spending time outside. Finding fun activities like hiking, kayaking, or biking are fun and easy ways to enjoy the summer weather while moving your body. Diet is also important in maintaining motivation. Diet and exercise work together. When you eat healthier and work out you will see results. This includes what you look like and how happy you are. It’s shown that when you workout, your adrenaline goes up and so do your endorphins. This is why you are happier the more you exercise. It is recommended that you exercise for at least 30 minutes a day regardless of how intensive of a workout. Getting up and getting your body moving no matter what that may be is important. Starting off your workouts small, setting goals, and working up to harder workouts are easy ways to keep you motivated. “Things I do to stay motivated is to take progress pictures and set up little goals for myself, so I feel accomplished each day,” said Ben Murawski when asked what keeps him motivated. Often people turn to the scale when seeing if they made any progress. This is very misleading as muscle weighs more than fat. Taking progress pictures as Ben does, you are able to see your body change and feel that your work is paying off.

There are many ways to start getting fit. One thing you want to make sure you start with that is just as important as physical exercise is your diet and eating habits. You want to start with drinking non-sugary drinks and instead of replacing them with water. This will keep you hydrated and cut back on calories so you can save them on food. You also want to cut back on junk food like desserts and fast food. These often hold many calories and won’t keep you full for long. Incorporate fruits and vegetables to every meal as well as incorporating protein. This will help in keeping you full longer and aid in building muscle. When it comes to being fit or losing weight, you want to make sure you’re taking in less than you are burning. If you take in less than you are burning, your body will then start to burn fat, and this is what causes weight loss. 

The hardest part is starting. Once you start, don’t stop. Think of why you started. Is that one craving worth the 5 minutes of satisfaction?