Should schools implement better lunch options?
The school should offer better lunch options for students. Many students feel this way, and it’s time for district to start taking action. While getting students to eat healthier and have more options would be ideal, there is a problem financially. Implementing healthier lunches would cost the school more money than the lunches they currently provide. Although the school would have to pay more just for students’ lunches, it is completely worth it. Eating healthier not only helps students perform better academically, but it also reduces sick-related absences since it strengthens students’ immune systems. Spending money to improve school lunches would basically be investing in the future of the school and its success.
A common argument against this is having the students who want to eat healthier pack their own lunch instead of buying. A big reason why students buy lunches from the cafeteria is that they don’t have the time to pack a lunch. Many students have parents who work and can’t pack a lunch for them, making it their responsibility. The process of getting ready for school every day already takes up time, and some students just don’t have enough time to spend packing lunches.

Some students don’t want to eat healthier and want to be able to eat the options the school already provides. There is an easy solution to this problem, offer a mix of healthy and regular options. We do already serve salads here, but besides that, there aren’t any options. “The school should consider serving something like grilled chicken and rice.” was pointed out by Matt Shuck, a senior at Pennridge High School. A lot of students don’t like salads, and it would be best for the school to look into other healthy foods to provide to make everyone happy. No matter what you prefer eating for lunch, it’s clear that the lunches need an update.
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Aiden Dittmar, Grade 12. Interests/hobbies include playing sports such as ice hockey and basketball, hanging out with friends and family, biking, and going...