Tattoos have many downfalls regarding safety. This is a big concern because there is no way to guarantee that a tattoo shop is following all requirements, using the correct equipment, and cleaning after every service. There are also many unqualified tattoo shops or artists out there.
On the opposing side, people believe that tattoo artists take all necessary precautions to keep their clients and themselves safe. Tattoo shops use single-service equipment such as needles, tube sets, razors, ointments, and many other things to prevent diseases from spreading. Beyond that, the surfaces are being cleaned by an Environmental Protection Agency-approved disinfectant which kills all bacteria and viruses. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, they require all employees who are exposed to blood or other infectious materials to undergo yearly bloodborne pathogen training. Richard Constantine, a healthcare provider, stated that bloodborne pathogen training is important because it is the responsibility of all tattoo artists to keep their customers safe. Constantine said, “Safe tattoo artists should display proper training and paperwork.”
According to the Mayo Clinic, many risks occur when a tattoo breaches the skin. Some of those risks are allergic reactions, infections, and bloodborne diseases. Hepatitis is the main disease being transferred which occurs when an infected needle touches a scratch on the skin. Preliminary studies also showed that there could be dangerously high levels of toxic metals in the ink, leading to nerve disorders, blood poisoning, and memory problems. Linda D’Angelo, a resident of Florida, voiced her opinion on tattoo safety, saying, “The risk of getting a disease is not worth the reward of a tattoo.” D’Angelo also expressed her concern about the lack of training and licensing of tattoo artists. Consumer reports stated that there is no regulation for training or licensing, and there is no requirements for inspection, record-keeping, or informed consent.
Moving forward, tattoo shops should get inspected every few months to make sure their equipment is up to date and that they are following all safety precautions. This would lower the chances of bacteria being spread and the possibility of unsafe procedures.