A large part of our world revolves around music. There are so many different styles and genres that everybody can find a tune that they enjoy. Some people like a wide variety of music, while others have a singular type. Did you know horses also have a preference for music, like humans? Several studies have shown that horses react to classical and country music in a positive way and react to rock and jazz negatively.
One study done by Hartpury College included eight Thoroughbreds that were stable for eight hours. The horses were observed for 30 minutes each, listening to different types of music such as jazz, rock, classical, and country. The horses were also observed for 30 minutes, and no music was played. It was determined that the horses showed the same amount of restful and alert behavior when country and classical music was playing compared to when no music was played. The horses also ate more quietly when the country was being played, which shows calmness and good welfare. When jazz and rock were played, the horses showed stressful behaviors such as stomping, head tossing, snorting, and vocalizing more frequently. It was also observed that the horses snatched their food more often than eating normally. Similar studies were done with Arabians and Polish racehorses, all concluding that music affects horses positively or negatively.
It makes sense that jazz and rock music stressed the horses out. Rock music is intense and loud, with many things happening at once. Jazz music contains irregular rhythms, dynamics, and instruments that confuse the ears. Though Classical music is complex, it is characterized by its formality. The combination of different instruments and their melodies is smooth and purposeful. Many people have expressed that Classical music is the most motivating. It keeps listeners at ease, as seen in the Hartpury College study. Country music is the simplest of all the genres. It is primarily focused on singing stories about working-class and blue-collar American life. It consists of simple form, folk lyrics, and harmonies that are generally accompanied by instruments such as banjos, fiddles, harmonicas, and many types of guitars. It makes sense that lack of complexity, like in country music, provokes calm and quiet behavior in the horses. Fun Fact! In 2009, in the United States, country music was the most-listened-to rush-hour radio genre during the evening commute and second-most popular in the morning commute. Even humans find country music more calming than other genres
Christa Schimitsch, a music teacher at Pennridge High School, stated that “Classical music and country music are considered more gentle. Country music is generally calmer; it is generally lower in pitch and lower in decibel, which I would imagine horses would love. With Jazz, you have trumpets and other brass instruments that are very loud. Rock has a similar volume composition. This would not soothe a horse.” Schimitsch also gave her own personal experience with music and animals. “Every creature with ears and an understanding of any sort of pitch and hearing and communication that way reacts to music. My dog reacts to music. If I am singing, she is unbothered by lower pitches, but when I hit specifically an E5 at the top of the staff, her ears go right up, and then my dog doesn’t want me to sing anymore. If I hit a certain volume belting, that is too much for my dog. If I’m singing something fast and rapid, she thinks it’s playtime.”
Kristi Williams, owner of Windy Oaks Warmbloods, participates in dressage freestyles which require music. Even when she is not practicing her routine, she still chooses to ride to music inside; typically, musicians such as Diana Krall are on. Williams has noted herself that her horses do respond to music. “I put classical music on for them when there were a bunch of fireworks,” she stated in an attempt to keep them calm, “I would love to ride to some R&B but Beni can’t handle it.” She also noted that horses can be very emotional, and even “they notice I had a bad day before I even do.”