Veteran service organizations in the United States must become more effective. Veterans tend to struggle with depression, anxiety, and more due to the traumatic situations they deal with. Leaving their past behind and readjusting to civilian life can be difficult, which is why some turn to organizations for professional help but, unfortunately, are let down.
An article from Mission Roll Call said, “Less than half of veterans in the United States are enrolled in VA care.” This is due to many reasons, but the most concerning is that people don’t trust the organizations due to bad reputations.
It’s great that the U.S. has many programs dedicated to helping veterans, but unfortunately, they lack proper execution. The reasons behind this vary depending on who you ask. Some blame it on not having enough resources whereas others claim they have plenty but lack good management. Either way, we are letting down our heroes, and it needs to stop.
There is also the opinion that we as a country should not be responsible for helping veterans who may be struggling once leaving the military since they chose that life and that career. And though they have a point that it is not as common or a thing for other careers to have so many organizations dedicated to helping them, they need to understand that people in the military do not have a normal career. When a person is on active duty, they are dealing with such serious situations that cause them to feel immense anxiety and stress. A typical person’s job does not involve them being in life-threatening situations, and because of that, we as a country need to consider that when discussing what responsibility the country should have regarding helping veterans.
To be in the U.S. military, you must exceed standards, have immense courage, and be utterly selfless. But just because soldiers can be all that doesn’t mean they don’t need help sometimes. Navy veteran Maggie DeLany elaborated on her experiences with readjusting to civilian life in an interview. DeLany explained how she had posttraumatic stress, but thanks to friends and taking time to herself, she was able to manage it. DeLany talked about how having a community is important, saying, “Talking to friends who would validate my feelings helped.”
Priscilla Martin, an Air Force veteran, said that there is a “Big difference between being in the service when it’s wartime versus when it’s not.” Because of that, everyone’s needs after leaving the military are different. This is why organizations must be equipped to help all types of veterans successfully.
Veterans should have a place where they know they will be prioritized with just as much effort as they had put in themselves in the military. Heartbreakingly, the U.S. News had an article claiming that in 2021, an estimated 17 veterans per day were taking their own lives. This problem must be a top priority in the U.S., and we must make effective changes for the better. It’s time we help those who have dedicated their lives to helping us.