We Need to Save Our Planet

Climate change is picking up at a rapid increase, and if something doesn’t change soon, we could lose our earth forever. About 95% of the earth’s warming is believed to be caused by humans. Since 1880, the global temperature has risen 2.0 degrees and 19 of the 20 warmest years have occurred since 2001. Global Warming is a modern-day problem that continues to get worse.

Scientists have found that the main source of climate change is called “the greenhouse effect”. Heat is blocked from escaping the atmosphere, and gases such as water vapor, are considered “feedbacks” because they respond to the physical temperature change. Carbon dioxide is gas that is released through natural processes, but due to human activities, such as deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, and land-use changes, carbon dioxide concentration has gone up 47% since the Industrial Revolution began. 

There are huge effects taking place right now that are due to climate change. Glaciers are melting, sea levels are increasingly rising, heat waves are more intense, etc. Over the next century, it is predicted that temperatures will rise another 2.5-10 degrees. Polar bears are now considered a “vulnerable species” because the great melting of sea ice is threatening their lives. Megan Lokuta shares her fear, “I am nervous that animals, like polar bears, will go extinct much sooner than they should.” Along with the polar bears, other animals’ homes are being destroyed, plants are blooming prematurely, coral is dying at a rapid rate, and overall, life on earth is being negatively impacted by climate change. 

We, as a society, need to have a lifestyle change that is more economically friendly. Abbie Iannetta says, “I use metal straws and reusable water bottles to cut down on my plastic use.” Other ways to help the earth include, using renewable energy, recycling, not overbuying food, consuming less meat, and watching your carbon footprint, such as not using as much gas. All of these and more will tremendously help the earth and if we do not start doing them immediately, our earth will face the consequences. We need to protect our planet and give thanks for all it has done for us.