Life Skills

Oftentimes, graduates walk across the stage and grab their diploma only to feel unprepared for the tasks of their near future. Students take years worth of high school credits for math, science, social studies, and language arts, yet there are concepts that they need to know for their future, but barely touch the surface in school. A lot of times students ask “when or how will I ever need to know this”. The reason this is such a common question is because the typical education goes into depth for each core subject which would only be beneficial to those who are interested in pursuing a career which relates to that subject.

It is important that more schools require classes which prepare each student for their early adulthood. A class such as one for financing, would be applicable to every student regardless of which career path they choose to take. According to the National Financial Educators Council, a 2018 survey in which they asked respondents which high-school level course would benefit their life the most, came back with results saying that a majority of people agreed money management was the most beneficial. Money management is a skill that can be applied to any person’s life. At one point or another, students are going to have to know how to write a check, pay rent, pay taxes, and handle money. 

Learning money management skills will build students’ confidence in being an independent person. It is knowledge that will prepare teenagers to handle the responsibilities of an adult. Requiring life skills classes can guide students to a more stable lifestyle.