Put the ‘kind’ back in ‘mankind’

It’s agonizing to hear that in the world we live in today, over 10 million animals die from physical abuse each year. Pet owners and animal lovers can’t comprehend what goes on through the sickening minds of those who pursue the act of animal cruelty. The act of animal testing harms animals for our own personal benefit which is not ok. Animal abuse can include such acts as kicking, burning, stabbing, or beating. Abused animals can also undergo neglect, such as deprivation of water, shelter, food, and potential medical treatment. Fur loss, dull texture, and fragile bones are often effects of the abuse of these animals and they dolefully go unnoticed, which warrants immediate action.

Tons of industries use animal testing for different products, like cosmetics, pharmaceutical medications, household items, and pesticides. Animal testing protects the workers, customers, and even the environment from the damaging harmful effects of chemicals. These tests have made it possible for us to discover new vaccines, medicines, and transplant procedures. Even though animal testing has benefited humans, it’s not worth the distress, suffering, and morose deaths of these animals. Arline Korpaska, the owner of Noah’s Ark Animal Hospital witnessed the cruelty of animal testing when working in the Sociology Department Lab at The University of Pennsylvania’s School of Animal Medicine. “To kill the mice they would slam their heads against the wall and they also had this monkey they would mess around with. It was terrible to watch,” says Kopaska. This atrocious behavior should be eliminated now because it is violating the animals’ rights.

Here in the United States we are making progress and are ranked one of the lowest countries for animal cruelty. Domestic violence is usually linked to animal cruelty and here in the US, PAWS was introduced to Congress in 2015 and signed by President Trump in 2018. The act helps victims of domestic abuse find the means to escape their abusers while keeping their animals safe. Even though these laws are being placed to help, “It’s hard to mandate human behavior,” says Korpaska. We as a society need to do better. You can simply make a difference by making sure you and others with pets take proper care of animals, donating, teaching compassion for animals to the next generation, and even stopping littering. I’m revolted with the way animals are being treated in this society and the only way we can fix it is if we work together to stop it.





