Inside March for Our Lives

After the attack on Parkland in 2018, the survivors created a movement. March For Our Lives is a push for gun reform and a way to give students the voice they need to end the senseless tragedy of school shootings. They call out the political leaders of this nation for their inaction on the violence against children. They also tour the country, registering people to vote to help get the right people in office.

A few days after the attack, March For Our Lives organized the largest single day protest against gun violence in history. Millions of people, mostly younger generations, poured into the streets across the country to protest the political leaders’ inaction and demand that “Enough is Enough.”

The movement was inspired by the Freedom Riders of the 1960s. They toured the country, registering over 50,000 new voters in 2018 alone. They met with communities and survivors of gun violence to better understand how gun violence affects each community.

The movement also caused a 47 percent increase of young voter turnout in the midterm election. The movement will continue until change is made. As a quote from their website puts it, “We will not stop until we see the change we demand. We’re going to end the gun violence epidemic in America.”