Relieving Stress with Art

It is scientifically proven that 45 minutes of creative activity can reduce stress. Want to know some great ways of doing this? Here are some of my favorite creative activities that help me get my mind off of any stress.

Coloring Books. Coloring books, whether they be adult level, or child level, are a great option to clear your mind. Grab your favorite pack of crayons, colored pencils, or markers and have some fun. I find that focusing on coloring within the lines is what will help you focus better on what you’re doing, rather than what you’re thinking. Any sort of attention to detail in an activity like this will help you clear your mind.

Origami. Trust me, I’m no expert, but there are so many YouTube videos that walk you through step by step to a certain shape. You can search any animal along with origami and I’m sure someone has made a video on how to do it. This past week, I have made some cat finger puppets and bookmarks. As I said before, the attention to detail that you put on the folds can really help clear your mind.

Scribbling. Yes, you read that correctly. I don’t know if this is scientifically proven, but I find scribbling really relaxing. It’s also a great, non-violent release, believe it or not. There are no specific directions for this one, just grab any sort of writing utensil, and let your hand move it from there. This is a really great way to lose track of time. You can create designs, try not to overlap, or just go crazy. You can write random things as well, while experimenting with your handwriting. And my personal favorite, which I will consider scribbling, is trying to teach yourself to write with your non-dominant hand. I could do this for hours!

I hope this was helpful. These are great things to do in such difficult times to help ease your mind of any stress. Stay safe.