Is it Worth the Read?: We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

As school comes to an end, we are all about to have a little more time on our hands. Hopefully, at some point over the summer months, we will all pick up a book, a book that we enjoy. If you are looking for your next read, I think I can help. 

Recently, I read We Were Liars by E. Lockhart. It took some thought for me to decide if I enjoyed the book, especially the ending. I decided to ask some people what they thought of the book and whether or not they deemed it worth recommending. I talked to Sarah Pelevkin, 2016 Pennridge graduate, and avid reader. We talked about the character development, plot, writing style, and ending of We Were Liars. Sarah had found out about the book through the TikTok app. She said the reviews were mixed but she needed to decide for herself. It personally took me about 6 hours to get through the 256 pages. Sarah took about 3 days, reading after work, proving it is a short read for most. Sarah and I both had some trouble getting used to Lockhart’s writing style as we started the book, but once we got past that it was a speedy and emotional read. 

The ending of We Were Liars is what sells it. A lot of people online said that they were not expecting the ending, that it shook them to their cores. A user from subreddit r/YAlit said, “keep tissues near and a person to hug when you finish”. Sarah spoke on the ending saying, “I kind of expected the ending, but it was emotional regardless”. Sarah recommends the book for anyone who enjoys Young Adult fiction and can handle a good cry after a book. When asked if she related to anyone in the book she said, “I think that the main character can be relatable for a lot of people. She struggles with depression, addiction, and identity discovery.”

E. Lockhart has written many illustrated children’s books but as far as YA novels go she only has 2 including We Were Liars. Her second YA novel is titled Genuine Fraud and seems to be another psychological thriller. I have a feeling that she is just starting the next chapter of her career in YA fiction. 

We Were Liars is a popular book right now, so I would recommend it just for the conversation content with your peers. If you read it, let us know what you thought in the comments of this article. And remember, if someone asks you the ending…lie.